Best Nursing Bra of ALL TIME!

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If you told me 5 years ago that I would be talking about my bra on social media (let alone taking pictures of it) I would have laughed myself into a puddle. Yet here I am, posting about my bra on social media. It is no longer a laughing matter to me; no longer taboo or weird to share something so intimate, because after over three years of nursing and lots more spent pregnant, I look at my bra in a completely different manner than I once did. A quality maternity/nursing bra is so, SO important!

Over the years I tried so many different styles of nursing bras and was just never satisfied. I found most of them to be uncomfortable, unflattering, inconvenient when I actually needed to nurse, and most frustrating was that they seemed to wear and lose shape/functionality very quickly.

Right before Holden was born I found a bra I loved. It was perfect in those last few months of pregnancy, and passed the test when my nursling came along, too. This bra is supportive, high quality, very functional while nursing and has lasted me over a YEAR! I own three, and they are the only bras that I wear.  I LOVE them!

bravado nursing bra, underwire nursing bra, best nursing bra, nursing bra review

Here’s what I love:

  1. Functional snaps. Unlike some other nursing bras I’ve used, the snaps on this bra are really easy to use and snap/unsnap quickly. I usually snap and unsnap one-handed with no trouble at all and the snaps NEVER come undone when they aren’t supposed to. It is just the worst when you have a hungry baby eager to nurse and you have to spend what feels like an eternity fussing with the snaps of your bra. You won’t encounter that issue with the Bravado Underwire Nursing Bra.

  2. It has an underwire. This doesn’t work for all women while nursing and I understand that. If you are prone to mastitis or clogged ducts, wearing an underwire bra can sometimes make matters worse. That underwire is a must for me though. I really prefer the extra support and honestly I just don't FEEL good in bras without an underwire. This bra has the perfect amount of support for a nursing mama.

  3. Look how cute it is! For me, being a mom has come at a physical sacrifice. Sleep, exercise, and self-care can often take a back seat to caring for my babies, and as a result its easy to start to feel like more of a zombie/milk-machine than a human woman. I don’t do a lot most days that makes me feel beautiful on the outside and i’m okay with that. But wearing an ugly, uni-boob nursing bra that lacks support and shape is just not something I can get on board with. I want my bra to be suitable for nursing and also make me feel like a WOMAN. The lace detail on this beauty is just enough to put a little pep in my sleepless, unshowered, mom-bun step, and they come in several gorgeous, versatile colors.

  4. It is constructed well. Like I mentioned above, I’ve been wearing mine for a year. They still look great, they maintain shape, and don’t ride up in the back or slide off the shoulders. I feel like the quality is leaps and bounds above the other maternity bras I’ve worn in the past and they have some serious longevity, which is important when you’re investing in a good nursing bra.

I’m so grateful I finally found a nursing bra that works for me. I only wish I’d found it sooner! The Bravado Designs Belle Underwire Maternity & Nursing Bra gets my vote for best nursing bra. The best part is that Bravado Designs products are 20% off this weekend only at Figure 8 moms, one of my favorite maternity/nursing boutiques! Snag one now during this great sale! But trust me… if you miss the sale, it’s still worth it. This thing rocks my world.

PS. I’m partnering with Figure 8 Moms to GIVEAWAY two of these beauties on my Instagram RIGHT NOW! Head over and check it out!

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